Shane Evans


After graduating from Curtin University in 1998 with an honours degree in geophysics, Shane spent time with DeBeers Exploration Australia as a GIS specialist. His involvement in diamond exploration and large scale investigation developed his interest in magnetotellurics (MT).

Shane has now amassed 15 years of experience working with MT data beginning with a Master’s Degree in Geophysics at Queens University in Canada. This project involved a crustal investigation of Central Baffin Island using MT data in northern Canada under the guidance of Alan Jones. (see Evans, S.F., A.G. Jones, J. Spratt and J. Katsube, 2005.Central Baffin electromagnetic experiment (CBEX) maps the NACP in the Canadian arctic. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 150, 107-122.) This project involved the acquisition, processing and modelling of approximately 40 sites of broad-band MT data.

In 2003 Shane moved to Johannesburg in South Africa and joined the DeBeers Geoscience Centre to continue research into the use of MT as a tool for mapping the lithosphere. DeBeers was the sponsor of the SAMTEX experiment a project that Shane was deeply involved with. (see Evans, R.L., A.G. Jones, X. Garcia, M. Muller, M. Hamilton, S. Evans, S. Fourie, J. Spratt, S. Webb, H. Jelsma, and D. Hutchins, 2011. The electrical lithosphere beneath the Kaapvaal Craton, Southern Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 116). Shane was also responsible for numerous regional DeBeers surveys throughout southern and central Africa, Canada and India.

Bringing this experience and knowledge with him to Perth in 2005, Shane founded Moombarriga Geoscience.

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